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Dec 31 2021 | by Ankita Avadhani

The Low and No-Code Imperative for Enterprise CIOs

Digital transformation has become a key strategy for competitive differentiation for enterprises across domains and verticals. Businesses have progressed into a stage where technology is in the spotlight, driving results and revenue from new streams that opened in the digital economy. The role of enterprise CIOs has evolved from identifying and implementing technology to one where they can strategically accelerate digital adoption rates and create new opportunities for automation.  

In an environment that demands digital supremacy, every business must think and act like a technology company. It’s up to the CIO to ensure that digital investments drive resilience and get progressively upgraded in alignment with consumer trends.  

In such a tech-focused environment, enterprises also face the challenge of hiring and managing digital champions in their workforce. When your core business is not technology, then CIOs are faced with the challenge of having to find tech talent and resources to build the digital stack on top of which new business models would have to operate. Of course, this is not easy by any means.  

But there is a solution CIOs are turning to in increasing numbers - investing in low and no-code development philosophies.? 

The need for rapid deployment of digital applications across modern enterprises is creating widespread demand for low and no-code app development platforms across. By 2027 it is expected that the market size for low-code platforms will reach a staggering USD 65 billion globally. Most major SaaS players now offer no-code or low-code development options that allow the non-IT workforce to ideate, build, and launch digital apps or features that complement their work.? 

Let us examine 4 reasons why it is no longer possible for enterprise CIOs to ignore low and no-code app development strategies:

Drive a Digital-First Culture  

Traditionally, non-technology companies face a lot of resistance from their workforce when pressured to upskill themselves with technology development and implementation initiatives for creating digital business solutions. Many cite the lower proficiency in coding skills as their biggest impediment. With a low-code and no-code app development philosophy, employees do not have to worry about their coding skills and can focus on using their business and professional skills to develop new technology features or apps that can complement their logical and functional skill sets. For example, a marketing professional with zero coding knowledge can build and deploy a corporate website with any popular CMS tools like WordPress. These CMSs offer no-code options to build a custom website without any coding knowledge.? 

Quicker Transition from Legacy Systems 

Even in 2021, there are thousands of enterprises that still run some of their most critical business systems on legacy software. Replacing them with modern digital systems will eventually happen, but the transition phase would be very slow because of fear of disruption during the changeover. With no-code and low-code development approaches to fall back on, enterprises can quickly transition to new-age platforms via an abstract connection from the existing legacy systems. The abstraction entails lower costs and in fact, allows businesses to achieve seamless modern digital feature adoption without having to completely write off their past investments. The abstract layer provides seamless interoperability between legacy and modern business solutions.? 

Improved Agility 

No-code and low-code platforms enable the development of apps with drag and drop interfaces and offer a diverse pool of templates and pre-built modules to choose from. With the development journey automated or pre-defined by the platform, it becomes easier to test the software built for defects and QA. Additionally, no-code and low-code platforms offer easy customization options that can be implemented at any time. Feature additions or modifications can be made easily. With development as well as testing time cut down drastically and automated, such platforms improve the agility of the end-to-end software development lifecycle. It does help that enterprises can do so at a fraction of the cost when compared to core-programming approaches.? 

Nurture Citizen Developers

No-code and low code platforms make for a fun and engaging experience in app development. Traditionally, programming and software development is considered to be high stakes, high skill demanding activities. Such new-age platforms transform the job into a simpler and more accessible experience. As a result, the term citizen developers come into play in the enterprise tech world wherein employees engaged in business operations can learn and quickly build the tech that helps them achieve business results faster.? 

While no-code and low-code platforms enable a more democratized and accessible app development experience, it is not without its share of challenges. As application complexity increases, so will the requirement for custom coding or personalization requirements. We can see no-code approaches turning into low-code ones as the coverage of apps developed increases over the business. Besides, there is a vast pool of platforms and tools available in the market and enterprises may find it hard to pick the most suitable platform for their custom app development needs.? 

For best results with no-code and low-code development strategies, it is important to have a reliable and knowledgeable technology partner like Novigo Solutions to strategically assist you in the journey to a low or no-code future. Get in touch with us to explore more about making your digital backbone effortless with no code and low-code platforms.? 


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