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Sep 6 2024 | by Prem Kumar

Are Your Account Credentials Secure? Think Again!

Due diligence is mandatory these days. Be it banking, drafting financial contracts, or company onboarding, authentication is a must. Through this practice, individuals are not only identified but there is a certain level of decorum observed concerning confidentiality and security. 

Data privacy is maintained when sensitive information is prevented from getting into the wrong hands. Given the rising cyberattacks, systems are susceptible to identity theft and fraud. Owing to everything operating online these days, single-factor authentication isn’t recommended for data security. 

Types of Authentications 

Systematic controls in place facilitate easy authentication. Depending on factors such as key elements such as user identity, credentials, verification factors, verification process, and multi-factor authentication. Authentication can be single-factor, two-factor, three-factor or multi-factor: 

  1. Biometric authentication
    Human DNA differs from individual to individual and through biometric methods users can be successfully verified. Since human identifiers are unique, it is difficult to hack accounts and steal information. 

  2. Password-based authentication 
    The user needs to authenticate his identity through a username and password or PIN. This is also known as a knowledge-based verification method. It is an easy authentication process; hence, hackers have to pass just one security barrier to gain access to user information. 

  3. Token-based authentication
    In this authentication method, a device and system generate a unique number called a time-based one-time PIN (TOTP) every 30 seconds. Credentials are verified for a specific period to minimize constant logins. This helps increase security for networks and devices. 

  4. Certificate-based authentication
    Authentication is carried out using an encrypted digital certificate issued by a certificate authority. In this authentication, a secure connection is established between the user and a website or server.  

  5. Two-factor/multifactor authentication 
    By providing a minimum of two verifiable credentials to access systems, devices, or data, authentication is strengthened to not only protect users but also confidential and sensitive information. This authentication provides added layers in the case of compromised passwords. 

  6. Adaptive authentication 
    Under this authentication, depending on the level of perceived risk, a relevant authentication factor is selected. The factors considered may rely on the user role, the device used, or a user’s geographical location. 

Forms of Authentication Vulnerabilities 

Despite having robust cybersecurity frameworks in place, threat actors have devised workaround tactics to hoodwink unsuspecting victims. Systems and devices are susceptible to vulnerabilities arising out of user authentication.  

  1.  Phishing attacks 
    Systems and devices can fall prey to sharing confidential information with threat actors posing as authentic websites. Phishing attacks may occur in the form of malware, email phishing, spear phishing, evil twin Wi-Fi, etc.  

  2. Brute force attacks 
    Under this authentication vulnerability, threat actors force their way into guessing login credentials and information by using all possible permutations and combinations. This is possible in times of a flaw in the firewall or a secure shell (SSH). 

  3. Session Hijacking
    Insecure communication channels allow hackers to intercept a user’s session and steal their information. Threat actors impersonate the user and carry on transactions and activities using their user credentials.  

  4. Unsafe Authentication APIs 
    APIs if not secure can be a gateway for threat actors. Broken user authentication, absence of rate limiting, excessive data exposure, and insecure direct object reference (IDOR) are some of the ways APIs are prone to authentication vulnerabilities. 

  5. Credential stuffing 
    Cybercriminals use stolen user credentials and accounts to access multiple accounts on different websites. This unauthorized access usually leads to fraudulent activities and account takeovers due to compromised credentials. 

  6. Absence of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 
    Multi-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security for users and a lack of it enables threat actors to easily access user accounts. Since different forms of user verification are required for account credentials and usage, an absence makes it easy for hackers 

Measures Taken to Curb Authentication Vulnerabilities

  1. Enforce Strong and Secure User Password Policy 
    By ensuring users follow a complex password with a combination of characters, symbols, and numbers, threat actors will find it challenging to crack user credentials. Additionally, reasonable password change requests and multi-factor authentication methods create a robust user password practice. 

  2. Limit User Access
    By restricting account access for authorized users alone, confidential information is safeguarded. Utilizing the principle of least privilege (POLP) prohibits users from editing and misusing sensitive information. Furthermore, enforcing this safety measure prevents accidental data exposure to unwarranted eyes. 

  3. Better Control over Third-party infrastructure 
    Many of the third-party websites rarely follow regulatory compliance standards. This exposes authentic user websites to data breaches, non-compliance, and eventually, legal implications, monetary fines, and reputational damages. 

  4. Re-authentication controls 
    When accessing personal, sensitive information, users are forced to re-enter their credentials to access privileged information. This way, in case of any login breaches, an added layer of verification might help prevent unauthorized user access and carrying out transactions. 

  5. Monitor user authentication activities  
    By maintaining regular logs and carrying out our necessary cyber security audit services, user information is scrutinized for any anomalies or suspicious activities. This way users are notified in case any suspicious logins are brought to the user’s attention for immediate action. The logs can also be used for forensic purposes. 

  6. Follow reliable and secure coding practices 
    Ensuring codes are up-to-date and functional assists in creating robust security controls. Code-level vulnerabilities and errors are minimized and eradicated. Potential cybersecurity threats are mitigated and controlled during the development process. Secure coding practices help build trust amongst users and save time and money. 

User authentication is crucial in upholding cybersecurity practices and controls. By creating a safe space for users, companies build integrity and trust among users. Staying proactive and vigilant of potential cybersecurity threats will save users from monetary and reputational damage.  

At Novigo Solutions, we build secure solutions that assist you in your cybersecurity journey. Safeguard your future from authentication vulnerabilities and take stock of impending cybersecurity threats! 

Learn more about cybersecurity and its benefits in your organization here:  

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